Running at Frame Rate(2020) is a software which foregrounds frame rate as its core mechanic. It asserts that ‘running at frame rate’ is an economic proposition. The artwork addresses the assumption in gaming and technology that ‘realism’ is the constant and exponential movement of hardware and software towards photo-real representation of the physical world. In the work, the computer is the main character whose primary goal is to render efficiently while trying to push itself to extreme ends. The software continually remembers its performance and reacts to it—at times optimizing itself by taking breaks, resetting, or trying to render better. It is an exercise in world building through both the pragmatic assembling of the world on screen, and the narrative that emerges from the computer’s reaction to the software. It is through this that the work questions the increasingly accurate photoreal representation of the world in games and simulation, without the simultaneous representation of the material realities of said world. 
Running At Frame Rate(2020) is currently not available as a downloadable and playable game, but this is in the works.